:: Rilmorn ::

The Meanderings of a Wandererer traveling the Gate World
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:: Friday, June 21, 2013 ::

About a day's ride southeast of Neverwinter are the ruins of an ancient keep called Helm's Hold.  The gate to the yard was carved through a petrified, oak of prestigious size.  The tunnel through the tree is 15 feet wide and half again as tall and still there is 5 feet of tree remaining on either side.  The branches of the tree have long broken away, but their stumps still remain-a skeletal ghost of the tree's crown.

A dryad calls the tree home.  Rumors claim she is the child of a willow spirit and dwarf.  Does that make her a "dwyad?"

Whispers on the wind say that the Dryad of the Stone has become connected to the Quan and that the broken stubs of the oak tree's petrified branches are now growing willow fronds.
:: Unknown 6/21/2013 12:49:00 PM [+] ::

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