:: Rilmorn ::

The Meanderings of a Wandererer traveling the Gate World
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:: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 ::

Chartiliafax seems very popular.  While I cannot get close to him to speak, a group of Sanderzani (traveling people) and the people from Spellguard, both, have gone with him into his cellar-abode.

I went exploring on the inside of Castle Never.  I was amazed by the lack of dust or vermin in this completely empty castle.  While the walls and ceiling of the castle are fine granite and marble all of the floors are made of seamless, red goldstone.  A number of hallways are mirrored.  One grand hall has floor to ceiling silver mirrors on the east wall and floor to ceiling copper mirrors on the west wall.  The only other feature of note is a number walls that are inscribed with empty circles. Each circle bears a single minute or hour hand moving steadily around the circle marking the movement of time.

Could not find any paths down into the crypts of the castle, but did discover a massive pitted granite sundial at the center of the castle.  In a domed room without any outside light, the ten-foot tall gnomen, still, cast a shadow and the hour it showed was correct, as far as I could tell.

One must wonder who were the Khlor and what happened to them.  Also, why and how did a group of wizards named the Water Clock Guild build crypts under Castle?  Is there a connection between the Water Clock Guild and the Khor?  Many questions, few answers.
:: Unknown 7/02/2013 11:23:00 AM [+] ::

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