:: Rilmorn ::

The Meanderings of a Wandererer traveling the Gate World
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:: Tuesday, July 09, 2013 ::

Explored the graveyards of Neverwinter today.  The locals refer to the common graveyard as the Paupers Graves and the nobles graveyard as Neverdeath.  There is a remnant of a monument in Neverdeath that has some ancient engravings.  When the first settlers of Neverwinter translated the writing it was part of a larger saying, but all that remained were the words, "never death."

Long have I wondered if graveyards were haunted.  In Neverwinter, I know that Neverdeath is.  When the Chasm opened 10 years ago and all of Neverwinter shook at its foundations, some ancient magic awoke in Neverdeath and now ghosts can manifest as solid beings within the walls of the cemetery .  Most of the dead do not wish to harm the living, but a few were bad in life and death has not improved their disposition.  The most interesting thing of the ghosts of Neverdeath are a number of ghosts that have purple skin and dark hair.  They are ghosts of the ancient Kargat and one of them spoke to me.  In accented Gamman (the most common speech on Moytnia), he said, "The cenotaph read, 'Many things may part us, but never death.'"  The spectre then faded away.  I departed shortly there after.

:: Unknown 7/09/2013 12:24:00 PM [+] ::

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